A lucid look at the state of AR hardware, and the warnings of the industry’s main contenders, remind us how important it is to take the long view. Massive improvements are still needed across the board to make AR wearables a reality, and we’re likely to see many more iterations in terms of form factors end up being unconvincing experiments. Until standalone AR is a thing, more hybrid approaches could serve as valuable onramps to accustom users to the merits of immersive computing.

In the meantime, there are plenty of opportunities to seize on the software and content side. To enrich the world with ubiquitous AR content and context will take strong ecosystems of artists and developers, whose work will draw consumers to AR platforms the same way they did to app stores in the early days of mobile. With more and more creative tools at their disposal, and more and more technology blocks on their way to being commoditized, creators can now produce and distribute AR more easily than ever — with monetization on its way, we expect. We can only encourage forward-looking developers to tackle the potential of immersive experiences today.

We at BITKRAFT plan to take an active part in fostering that new reality. As always, if you’re building in this space, don’t hesitate to reach out.